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Research Applications

Learn about the diverse applications of CALERA® Research across various research fields.


Why should I use CALERA® Research?

Core body temperature which has been traditional impractical to measure in real-time with a high level of accuracy for practical applications. Pulmonary artery catheters, urinary bladder, or oesophageal are almost only used in a hospital setting. Rectal thermometers are often not preferred by participants, and ingestible thermometer e-pills are expensive and need the right timing. Other thermometers do not allow for continuous and/or accurate monitoring.

Monitoring real-time core body temperature with CALERA® Research has countless applications, and we work extensively across a number fields already. If you have an application, we would be happy to discuss this with you further.

  • Thermo-physiology
  • Sports
  • Fever & Sepsis Detection
  • Covid-19
  • Drug & Vaccine Testing
  • Ovarian Cycle
  • Thermal Comfort
  • Circadian Cycle
    • Sleep Disorders
    • Stress
    • Obesity
    • Alzheimer
    • Parkinson

Application Examples

Sleep Research

The simplest way to monitor the circadian cycle is to measure the core body temperature. The temperature can be measured easily with CALERA Research without having a significant impact on the subject's daily routines. Changes in the circadian cycle can help to draw conclusions about health issues like jetlag, narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep quality, burnout, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ovulation status, and many more.


Fever Monitoring

fever monitoring

Fever changes the thermoregulation of the body and requires sophisticated algorithms to detect the temperature accurately. The figure to the left shows that the algorithm fits the reference method very well. Indicated are also tympanic temperature measurements (orange diamonds) and intakes of 500 mg paracetamol (dashed lines).


Have more questions?

Send us an e-mail and we'll do our best to respond within 2 business days. Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting with our business development manager, Andrea Corallo.